Christopher Columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World, while facilitating the introduction of New World commodities like sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process by which commodities, people, and diseases crossed the Atlantic is known as the Columbian Exchange.
I don't me crazy, but I don't think this would be such a bad idea (at least sometime in the future.) With the advent of the internet, there really is no reason why people can't have more input on legislation. Remember, congressmen act as representatives of the people for logistical reasons. Were voting allowed via internet, mail, or permanent polling places, the logistical roadblocks are reduced.
This country has an annoying quality where senators and representatives are elected and then inject their own personality into their voting. They are supposed to represent the people of their district. If 60% of the people in their district feel a certain way about an issue, why is the congressman/woman allowed to vote a different way? Why do their personal beliefs really matter at all? They are supposed to be voting the way their district wants regardless of what they personally believe.
I know, I know, things can be horribly complicated and the average person can't possibly understand all the issues they are voting on, but last I checked their is no intelligence requirement to be in the government...many people in governement now are dumb as a box of rocks. They don't have to be smart to be elected, they have to be personable and have good advisors working in the background.
Imagine being able to directly vote on education issues, warfare issues, and being able to prioritize budget items. Instead of blaming the morons in congress we would only be able to blame ourselves when things went horribly wrong. Of course, some form of standing governement would still be needed for a lot of reasons.
Again, I know the technology is not hot enough right now to provide the secruity that would be needed, etc, but it won't be long...
the civil war era and the fact they had to take other peoples places
US Mint Police was established in 1791. It is one of the oldest federal law enforcement agencies in the United States.
The Mint Police is responsible for protecting over $100 billion in Treasury and other government assets held at US Mint facilities in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco, and Fort Knox. Mint police also guard over 2,800 US Mint employees.
John F Kennedy. He pipped Nixon who was Eisenhower's Vice President in the 1960 election.
Hope I helped & please rate :)