What makes a mineral become a mineral reserve?
1 answer:
When a supply becomes a large and know area.
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I'm thinking A. Because uniformitarianism means the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted from the action of continuous and uniform processes.
55°. If the intersection in the middle is 90°
Got you the answer is true
Bolivia (G)
Colombia (N)
Chile (H)
Uruguay (Q)
Honduras (S)
Mexico (Mexico City)
Puerto Rico (E)
Venezuela (P)
Guatemala (B)
El Salvador (U)
Argentina (F)
Peru (L)
Guinea Ecuatorial (M)
Cuba (Havana)
ESpana (T)
Costa Rica (A)
Paraguay (O)
Panama (K)
Ecuador ( J)
Nicaragua ( Managua)
Repubilca dominicana (R)