Correlation 1 between income & number of years in school is moderate positive. Correlation 2 between number of close friends & depression level is moderate negative correlation.
Correlation is a statistical measure showing relationship between variables' direction of movement. It lies between 0 &1.
Positive Correlation means variables move in same direction, one variable increase implies other variable increase & vice versa.
Correlation 1 between income & number of years in school is positive correlation. So, higher income implies more years in school & vice versa.
Negative Correlation means variables move in opposite direction, one variable decrease implies other variable increase & vice versa.
Correlation 2 between number of close friends & depression level is negative correlation. So, more close friends imply lower depression level & vice versa.
Correlation 1 is moderate positive correlation (between 0.25 & 0.75). Correlation 2 is also moderate negative correlation (between -0.25 & -0.75)
Morgan breeds and sells snakes. he knows that he can make the most money by breeding and selling albino snakes. albinism is a recessive trait. his female albino corn snake just produced six offspring. two displayed normal coloration and four were albino. what is the chance that another offspring produced by the same parents will be albino? There will be Fifty percentage chance of the snake having another offspring produced by the same parents to be albino
Latin, the answer would be A
Vertical zonation is basically like the main pattern of littoral assemblages on rocky shores. at a regional scale.
the correct answer is Patrick, who gives money to a local charity every week.
Altruistic means showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
Patrick is unselfish because every once in a while, he donates money to charity and that is a good thing!