(1) The defective enzyme, which was suppose to break down drugs, is an oxidoreductase. Since, enzymes that break down drugs or metabolic enzymes perform there functions by oxidizing the drugs.
(2) Both codes are triplet codes for the enzyme; however the normal triplet code ought to be ATT, however there was a point mutation causing the "A" to be "C". These letters represent the bases in the DNA, <u>ATT is adenine-thymine-thymine while CTT is cytosine-thymine-thymine.</u>
(3) Further medications Henry is prescribed could include been taken with a drug/enzyme that will breakdown the actual medication.
Damage to nerve or bone can happen when you puncture infant's extremities to collect capillary blood. The safest region to do this is the lateral side of <span>the infant's heel. With this method, the chance damage to the nerve of bone is much less than the middle of an infant or the finger.</span>
Answer with Explanation:
The Miocene epoch was deeply characterized by<em> seasonal conditions</em>, such as having more colder winters in the northern areas.
In the <em>late Miocene</em>,<u> open vegetation system expanded. </u>These included<em> grasslands, woodlands and shrublands.</em> As a result, more primates inhabited the area. Several habitats became diverse from each other, thus allowing the species to adapt, including their locomotion. For example, the species who used to live on trees, turn towards living on land (terrestrial life). Certain animals also came about such as <em>pigs, giraffes, monkeys, etc.</em> Scavenging hominins also scattered. When it comes to hominins, a major type of locomotion evolved called "bipedalism." <u>This allowed the hominins to walk using the lower limbs (two feet).</u>
They must find food
they must find shelter