The molecule is unstable and impossible to create the PCl_6
Only one way is that change the formula
Lets look at structure(See attachment)
There are total 7atoms
You just have to take the periodic table of the elements, take the element that interests you. Then, you look at the formula of the element, at the top left you find the number of neutrons and protons and at the bottom left you find the number of protons. Then you just have to make the number from the top left minus the number from the bottom left.
Electrostatic repulsion, strong nuclear force
The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. protons are positively charged while neutrons possess no charge.
Since protons are positively charged, they repel each other strongly (like charges repel). This strong repulsion of like charges makes the nucleus somewhat unstable leading to spontaneous fission of heavy nuclei.
However, an opposing force called nuclear attractive force tends to hold the nucleons together. This attraction occurs when two nucleons are bonded by a particle called a π meson.
Hence, the two forces that act in the nucleus to create a 'nuclear tug-of-war' are electrostatic repulsion and a strong nuclear force.
It can form dipole-dipole interactions but that’s all
Changes into new substances called product.