Many farmers in less densely populated area, such as Amazonia, practice slash and burn agriculture, also known as shifting cultivation or swidden agriculture where an area is cleared and then burned for the vegetative remains to release nutrients back into the soil. Shifting cultivation is a system where a farmer uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. Advantages of shifting cultivation includes; enhance control of pest and disease, inorganic matter addition which provide nutrient to crop, an effective way of weed control
I'm sure it's true .because sperm particles contain 250 million particles.
If we look to the nucleus contain 1.5 million neurons.
The answer is A. Morphology/anatomy is considered more
relevant than behavior or general appearance in the classification of organisms. It
is due to these anatomical features that animals such as bats are classified differently
from birds (with bats classified as mammals even though they fly like birds) due to differences in anatomical features
like milk-producing glands and brain structure.