D)To show why the state of nature is inadequate for determining what our fundamental rights should be.
John Locke, an English philosopher, widely referred to as Father of Liberalism, examines the "State of Nature" for the purpose of showing why the state of nature is inadequate for determining what our fundamental rights should be.
According to him, each individual in a society has a natural right to protect his or her own life, liberty, and property and at the same time, each individual has a natural right to seek for compensation for any wrongful injury to his or her natural rights; life, liberty, or property which has been inflicted by other individuals.
However, Locke, believed that, since 'state of nature' is more or less a state of insecurity, that is, each individual is not secured to possible infringement of his or her natural rights by other individuals. Hence, the needs to create a civil government, whose purpose is to protect the natural rights, freedom and well-being of all members of society.
This is because, in a "state of nature" there is no legislative or judicial authority that members of the society can seek for help in order to protect their natural rights, such as lives, liberty, or property. But to ensure there is security and protection to individuals natural right, there is need for a civil government, with a judicial authority whose purpose is to resolve disputes fairly and equitably.
A. True
This works for the charities almost all the time because interventions like these appeal to the human side as people are more likely to support causes like these.
Also, if children are sent door-to-door, this will compel people to give as they are less likely to suspect children since they are always potrayed as innocent.
Since these school-age children are usually involved in fund raising programs in their schools, donors are less likely to suspect fraud as fund raising is already popular among them.
Therefore, this makes is easy for phony charities to hide behind an already existing and legit system.