what do you mean by this question, you should post these kind of things on social media platforms
that segregated schools stigmatize minority children.
The seperate-but-equal doctrine was a doctrine that justified systems of segregation. The doctrine of separate-but-equal was legitimized in the 1896 Supreme Court case, Plessy v. Ferguson.
With this legal doctrine, it was allowed that public servicies, accommodation and facilities were to be seperated by race under the fact that their will should be equality. But, social services offered to African-Americans were of lower standard to that of those social services offered to white Americans.
The doctrine of separate-but-equal was overturned in 1954 by the Linda Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Case.
Can you list the evidence you have?
The executive branch had to enforce the Bill of Rights in a new way
Defendants will be served with a SUMMONS, informing them that a civil suit has been filed.