Allie has a degenerative eye disease that is causing her to gradually lose her eyesight. When Allie asked her employer, TrueBlue Fashions, to purchase a low-vision computer for her use at work, she was fired. TrueBlue Fashions has violated the American with Disabilities Act- (A).
Answer: C. A court’s power to adjudicate the rights to a given piece of property, including the power to seize and hold it.
Explanation: In rem jurisdiction ("power about or against 'the thing") is a legal term describing the power a court may exercise over property (either real or personal) or a "status" against a person over whom the court does not have in personam jurisdiction. Jurisdiction in rem assumes the property or status is the primary object of the action, rather than personal liabilities not necessarily associated with the property.
The 3rd amedment guarantees that you don't have to allow a soldier in your house. without your consent
All constitutional democracies use separation of powers as an important means of limiting the exercise of political power. This separation is typically among legislative, executive, and judicial functions. This was to keep any one power from gaining too much power.