Explanation: The two finches eat different kinds of food. The woodpecker finch eats insects and the large ground finch eats seeds. They do not compete for the same resources.
Eating more whole foods will help you cut down on calories from the added fats and sugars we get from processed and fast foods. Whole grains. You might think the benefits of whole grains have mostly to do with fiber, but there's so much more than that
Because for female sex link desease would require X°X° but for male X°Y so during crossing X linked dear are more common in male.
Thyroxine is an important hormone released into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland in the body. When tyroxine is released into the blood stream, it moves through certain organs such as the kidney and liver, where most of it is changed to an active form known as triiodothyronine. Thyroxine perform important roles in brain development, heart and digestive functions, bone maintenance, controlling muscle and metabolic rate of the body.