Yes, this is true, this is when there is not majority candidate after the elector's votes are counted.
The House can then vote on the three candidates that received the majority of votes. The winning president has to have the vote of the representatives of the majority of states.
The correct answer choice is Immigration
Immigration is definitely the factor that has contributed the most to the cultural diversity in both Canada and the U.S.
The United States has recieved, throughout its history, a very large amount of immigrants, from almost every part of the world: Italy, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and even Canada. This has created a very diverse culture, from Italian American culture, to Mexican American culture, to Jewish American culture.
A similar event occurrs in Canada, albeit a smaller extent until recent times. Canada in particular, received a large immigration from Ukraine in the past, and in recent decades, a large Chinese and South Asian immigration.
issued the Declaration of Independence
Democratic Party.
Typically, the Democratic Party holds more seats as they have more registered voters. Seats are divided based on the population amount each state has, and they are furthered divided by the population of each district. However, the current climate is that many voters are disinterested with the Democractic Party because of their overreaching policies, so if many voters flip their party, then the 2022 elections may go in favor of the Republican Party.
Learn more about the Political Party of today, here:
Grupos sociales pueden tener varias razones para oponerse a las maquilas que se instalan en las zonas francas:
- Consecuencias fiscales: una zona franca es un lugar donde a las empresas se les cobran menos impuestos. Estos menores impuestos significan una reducción del ingreso fiscal que reciben los gobiernos, y que podría ser invertido en servicios sociales como educación y salud.
- Explotación laboral: además de los bajos impuestos, las zonas francas también atraen compañías por los bajos sueldos que pueden pagar a los trabajadores.
- Protección a la industria nacional: muchas maquilas son sucursales de empresas manufactureras extranjeras, no nacionales, y para algunos grupos, la industria nacional debería tener preponderancia sobre la industria extranjera.