About as much as 60% of the indentured servants would die before being able to complete their contracts (which was often of 5 years). Although at first, some men were still able to claim some land after the years of work, in the 1660s, most of the good land was already claimed by large land owners. After Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, planters decided to stick with slavery instead of using the system that allowed them to abuse workers and become rich (by using a system that abused a person during that person's whole lifespan).
<span>(C) is the most correct answer. The Stamp Act was one of the first times that colonial women were moved to take action. The Act, which placed a duty on all mailed material, was seen as an imposition of the monarchy's powers upon the new colonies and was also considered and overreach due to the lack of permission given from the colonies.</span>