-jupane frig noi suntem mai puternici decat tine!
-nu va cred !
-serios?noi suntem imbracati gros!
-ooo nu!acum va cred!
-sa nu te mai iei de noi jupane frig!
Martin Luther thought that this was horrible. He did not believe that you can buy your way to Heaven, or buy your way out of hell to heaven. He wrote 95 reasons (Ninety Five-Theses) on why buying indulgences is wrong. Basically, an indulgence is like a note that shows however many sins you done, you can buy your way out of going to hell and go to Heaven. The reasons tried to prove why they were wrong. He also posted on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany.
Hope this helps!
90 degrees south
Its latitude is 90 degrees south, and all lines of longitude meet there (as well as at the North Pole, on the opposite end of the Earth). The South Pole is located on Antarctica, one of the Earth's seven continents
Country M investing stuffs in order to encourage the economic growth of the country just like introducing an incentive policy that offers citizens free education – an education that can reduce unemployment and increase production, invested to buy new technologies to be more productive in producing goods that are in great demand, searching for resources that can be possibly traded with other foreign nations, and lastly researching to develop great goods that can be sold on a global scale.
They have to pay property tax, but the amount would be lower than middle age couple
Most states prepare a certain amount of Exemption for retired people's property tax. The amount will be different between each states, and the majority of states allow the exemption only for elderly who are 65 years old and above.
For example, if that elderly live in new york, they will receive 50% exemption from their property value. If they live in Houston, they'd have a fixed $160,000 exemption plus additional 20% of their property value.