The total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business
rapid prototyping
Rapid prototyping (RP) is a family of manufacturing methods to make engineering prototypes in the minimum possible delivery times, based on a model of the article made in a computer-aided design system (CAD)
Rapid prototyping is an excellent way to check the functionality, dimensions and design characteristics of the designs, without going through the usual long prototyping process that requires specific technical and experienced tools.
Did the technology push the changes in the world, or was it the other way around? What evidence is opinion based upon or how did you draw your conclusions?
In my opinion the world started to change during the 1970s when Steve Jobs introduced the personal computer. Before him, only huge corporations could afford computers since they were huge and costed millions. Since then, information technology (IT) has increased in gigantic steps and when the internet was available for public use, the world as we know it changed.
When the world was struggling again during the great recession, my hero came back and changed the way IT industry again with the iPhone and the whole app culture. I am a little over 25, and I can tell that everything was very different when I was a small kid. You actually needed to read a newspaper and use encyclopedias (very large books).
Now everything is on the web and now most of us are even working using the internet. In just seconds we know what is happening in China or any other country in the world, while before all we heard about China was that were many Chinese and they were communists. IT has enabled whole new industries that boost the economy much more than any other manufacturing business ever had. The world would be a much different place if it wasn't for the Apple I, the internet or the iPhone.