Geothermal energy comes from the heat within the earth. The word "geothermal" comes from the Greek words geo, meaning earth," and therme, meaning "heat."
Any technological application using living things or living systems is called Biotechnology.
It is essentially genetic engineering which involves technological applications of living things.
There are two types of planets. Terrestrial and Jovian planets. One thing is common in both of them.
Both the terrestrial and the Jovian planets possess a solid core, made mostly of metallic and/or rocky material.
Hope it helps
The process by which glomerular filtration occurs is called renal ultrafiltration. The force of hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus (the force of pressure exerted from the pressure of the blood vessel itself) is the driving force that pushes filtrate out of the capillaries and into the slits in the nephron.
A virus, because it has a non-cellular structure.