<em>Hello Friend, </em>
<em>I was wondering how your school is going so far.I love my school there are so many people that i got a chance to talk to! I wish you were here in this AMAZING school with me as well but sadly your in a different school away from me. Hope to see you Again </em>
<em>Your Friend,</em>
<em>(whatever name)</em>
only the clues The WTO<span> came into being in 1995, succeeding the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that was established in 1947. First of all, the </span>IMF<span> makes loans to "developing" countries to help them build infrastructure. ... In short, we can say that </span>the IMF <span>and the </span>WTO play<span> a huge </span>role<span> in </span><span>globalization
She was venerated by the town for her extensive charity work
His mistake had Blighted his career in the government forever.
Dem/o -----> people ------> greek----> democracy --- government of the people; democraphic --- the study of people;
epidemic--- spreading among people in a region
French is easier and spoken in more countries.