A! DDT is sprayed all over the county
- She is deeply distraught by the sight of her murdered husband.
In the given excerpt from Shakespeare's popular tragedies 'Hamlet,' the author reveals that Hecuba was extremely distressed seeing the dead body of her murdered husband. This <u>allusion to Greek Mythology by referring to Hecuba who laments the death of her husband King Priam</u> <u>after Troy's fall offers a deeper context for the readers to understand the situation of Hamlet's wife</u>. She ends up being in a position of madness as she didn't know how to respond to it or how to accept the brutal truth that her husband is no more alive.
These are the definition of ear parts.
1. Olfactory nerve is the nerve that sends smell messages to the brain.
2. Auditory nerve is the nerve that transmits sound impulses to the cerebral cortex.
3. Epidemis is the outermost layer of skin.
4. Cochlea is the snail-shaped structure which translates sound vibrations into nerve impulses.
5. Auricle catches and directs sound waves.
6. Dermis is the inner layer of skin.
7. Semicircular canal is structure in the inner ear composed of three looped tubes.
8. Tympanic membrane is also known as the ear drum.