B. Different parts of the brain light up for different personalities.
C. Diagnosis often occurs when someone has difficulty accounting for his time.
A. they tend to speak the same language.
D. The multiple identities must be aware of each other.
E. Have separate identities have different personalities, they tend to all be the same gender and have the same body type as the person with the disorder.
- DID is also called as the multiple personality disorder is a mental disorder and is characterized by the maintenance of the two distinct type of personalities and is accompanied by the memory laps and also includes the borderline personality and the stress-related disorders and the depression, the self-harm, and anxiety.
- <u>The disorder can long term process and it occurs in 2% of the people. It can be triggered by the reaction to trauma and the treatment generally involves the supportive care and counseling.</u>
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Answer:Because on the fact that Dana has the right to refuse treatment, she will be allowed to leave the treatment facility within 72 hours.
Explanation:The right to refuse treatment is combined with the right to informed consent.
A patient need to be well informed about the treatment after that it is up to the patient to either accept or refuse treatment. It is unethical and immoral to actual coerce a patient into accepting treatment especially if the patient is mentally capable of making their own decision such as Dana is in this case."she can take care of herself and is not a danger to anyone."
Acceptance respecting others and achieving your goals in life
When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze.