There are multiple ways to do so:
You can divide the number by 100 to convert it to a decimal
You could take your percentage and add a decimal two places to the left.
Examples of both:
For division its as simple as 75 divided by 100 = 0.75
If we are going to use the decimal method, lets say we have 45%, so we can do this:
45% =45.00
Move the decimal two places to the left.
1yd is 12 ft
So do 12-1=11.
11 is the answer
I might want to use the commutative property to change the order of the integers in the following sum before adding the given expression
"-80 + (-173)+(-20)"
As commutative property states that " Changing the order of addends does not change the sum" which means if we add 'a' to 'b' or 'b' to 'a', we will get the same answer.
Therefore, here if we add '-80' to '-173' or '-173' to '-80' , or if we add '-173' to '-20' or '-20' to '-173' , we will get the same answer.
Therefore, we might use commutative property to change the order the of integers in the following sum.