Easy crop growing and more wealth
Write what you think about this Mayan civilization
The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucatán around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, northern Belize and western Honduras.
Los mayas son probablemente las más conocidas de las civilizaciones clásicas de Mesoamérica. Originarios de Yucatán alrededor del 2600 a.C., se destacaron alrededor del 250 d.C. en el actual sur de México, Guatemala, el norte de Belice y el oeste de Honduras.
I'm assuming because this is under the history thread, it's dealing with the U.S. Senate. There are two main political parties in the U.S. which are Democratic and Republican- but there is also an Independent party, just not as big. Representatives are people who represent a certain party in, I believe, the Senate. So when it says "proportional", it's most likely referring to the fact there is an equal amount of representatives who are under the two big parties- the Democratic or Republican.
Federalism is the distribution of power between a central authority and constituent units, such as the federal government in Washington DC and the states. Article V of the constitution allows for the creation of constitutional amendments via an act of Congress, or by the application of a majority of the states. In this case, both the states and the central authority are able to make necessary changes without the consent of the other.