Technological advancement in the form of communication, movement form one place or anther and many more have influenced the belief system sand values.
- Science and technology have influenced the cultural beliefs and values such as the invention of light, medial facilities, modes of transport, and telecommunication have changed live of people and challenged the earlier belief system of the masses.
- Apart form that the invention of the internet has revolutionized the world and mass us all in ne global village.
Answer is D. All others are true..
Answer: True
Explanation: Knowledge comes through experience, how we relate to things, how observant we are to things about us, how we tend to interact with people will always determine how we know things. So yes logically what we know is as a result of how we relate and interact we people and things around us.
Answer: D. Systematic
Explanation: Harmon clothing is likely experiencing a systematic political risk. A systematic political risk can be explained as the political events, decision or regulations which can negatively affect the growth or survival of a business or investment in a particular country. Systematic political risks may affect all segments of a country's market or it might be targeted towards a particular sector or market segment. Systematic political risk may stem from wholesale change in policies and regulation of the host government due to change of power or shift in major economic decisions or protocol.