<span>Every 2 years, drivers in San Francisco must acquire a "smog certificate” to affirm the vehicle’s emissions test results and submit it with their registration renewal.
Hector Xavier Monsegur
Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to ten years in prison for his Anonymous hacking. Several other names have been made public, but the group remains true to their name: anonymous.
please mark my answer brainliest
the 5 stages of depression ...
little stress...
little more stress....
a little more stress....
twice little more stress....
stress stress stress stress stress everywhere
<span>Fingerprints give physical evidence that a suspect was present at a crime scene.
</span><span>Transfer of physical evidence occur when a person comes into contact with an object or another person.
</span><span>Physical evidence includes impressions such as fingerprints, footprints, shoe prints, tire impressions, and tool marks, but also fibers, weapons, bullets, and shell casings.</span>