because the goverment place a mark of the minimum and the max of any stuff that u buy
the new International Spy Museum
WASHINGTON - The familiar sleek lines of James Bond's Aston Martin greet visitors in the modern glass lobby of the new International Spy Museum, a welcome nod to the institution's entertaining roots
President George Washington who also served as a General was impressed by Von Steuben acumen. This led to his appointment as temporary inspector general.
Von Steuben set standards for camp layout, sanitation and conduct. He ran the troops through a lot of intense Prussian-style drills. He taught them to efficiently load, fire and reload weapons. He also taught them to charge with bayonets and march in compact columns of four instead of miles-long single file lines.
All these new tactics, exposure and treatment was responsible for them regaining their confidence.
Mifflin Kenedy was a Texas rancher.
He was among the first to move cattle from the open range into fenced land circa 1869.
The system of feudalism needed a lot of workers, who were tied to the land, and had to deliver a part of their harvest to their lords. The farmers generally had a poor life and struggled to make enough both for themselves and for the lords, but the lords benefited from this, as they had many farmers paying them a part of their harvest
Before the plague, the land was scarce, but people plenty, which meant that the farmers could not set conditions on their work. After the plague the number of farmers decreased, and there was a lot of work needed, so the farmers could search for a different place to work, if the feudal lords were demanding too much,.