option D
the correct answer is option D
Later high school time is not been associated with decreased college attendance.
later high school time lead to less adolescent depression, high grades, and less student absenteeism.
Depression is the issue which is very common among the high school student to decrease the case of adolescent depression it is good to start high school later.
This will help the student to learn happily and they can get good grades
Answer:This group of tunnel experts can be best categorized as a VIRTUAL TEAM
What is a virtual team?
A virtual team refers to a group of colleagues who works on one project collaboratevely for a common goal. They work in a virtual environment and usuall these are the teams who work under telecommunications businesses. They use emails , fax , Skype etc .
option A
the correct answer is option A.
according to World value survey when a country becomes rich then the country shift from secular value to traditional value.
Globalization have made the countries more diverse hence this results in divergence of culture.
and when there is economic progress in any country the value shift from individualism to collectivism.
Opcion A
Para atender los impactos negativos de la crisis económica de 1929, América Latina restringió el ingreso de todos los bienes que tradicionalmente se traían del exterior. Esto se hizo para reducir la demanda de la demanda externa restringiendo así las salidas de oro y divisas de América Latina. Practicaron el sistema de tipo de cambio estándar de oro