Shakespeare son Hamnet dyeing was big influence
As described in NewsRepulic, During the Guided age, as defined by author Mark Twain, during the 1870's in big cities, like Boston, Chicago, New York, Cleveland, corruption was prevalent. The new immigrants, who were mainly looked upon as the least employable, the bottom of the social status, and of little value. They were someone who is new to the country, lacking in language skills, and someone who has come here to take your job. So, for them to assimilate, to survive, many immigrants were forced to join together to provide support the local political bosses. In exchange for their loyalty and votes, the new immigrants were provided, a chance for jobs, housing, help in naturalization, business licenses, assistance in the courts and a voice in the community.
Occupational inequality is the unequal treatment of people based on gender, sexuality, height, weight, accent, or race in the workplace. When researchers study trends in occupational inequality they usually focus on distribution or allocation pattern of groups across occupations, for example, the distribution of men compared to women in a certain occupation.[1][2][3] Secondly, they focus on the link between occupation and income, for example, comparing the income of whites with blacks in the same occupation.[3]
Canning was unsustainable because the process back then was labor intensive; the process was still undefined, and the materials are very primitive. The cans used were corked and sealed with lead which led it to be hazardous