i think that its d because unless the loud and disruprive noises were in some way agressive or made the client feel like he was in danger then there is no reason to say that hes dangerous to others, by disables do you mean like mentally disabled tho
Confucianism stresses social structure and the obedience to the one superior to oneself: wife to husband, child to parent, but also subject to ruler. So teaching Confucianism effectively taught the people to obey their leaders, the Han!
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an international non-profit digital rights group based in San Francisco, California. The foundation was formed in July 1990 by John Gilmore, John Perry Barlow and Mitch Kapor to promote Internet civil liberties and the health and growth of internet working.
The electronic Frontier Foundation is critical of media companies for their effort involved in litigation relating to a wide range of online and computer-related civil-liberty issues. In general, it has sought to extend free speech and privacy rights to online communications, including such forms of “speech” as encryption and other computer programs.
Also, it becomes a force to contend with in legal and political battles relating to computer-mediated communication and commerce. It also provides increased civil-liberties protections for online communication. electronic Frontier Foundation also helps to track down hackers.
The appropriate response is literary summary. It is analyzing the distinctive components of a bit of writing to enable you to better acknowledge and comprehend its work in general. This procedure expects you to utilize the honed, centered articulation of thought and concentrate into the literary work, particularly a limited area of it.