The standard algorithm in the US (though this might not be the standard everywhere) is to add the digits in the ones place (carrying the 1 - which represents 10 - if their sum is 10 or more), then to move to the tens place and add the digits there (again carrying the one if their sum is more than 10 - though in this case the one that represents 100) and then we move to the hundreds place and so on.
So, let's do this with the numbers given. 57+58. We would line these up one over the other so that the digits 8 and 7 which are in the ones place are above each other. We add these and get 15 which is one ten and five ones. The 5 gets put down and the 1 gets carried over. Now we focus on the digits in the tens place (here 5 and 5). We add these and to their sum add the 1 we carried. This gives us 11 (but in actuality it means 110). We bring down the leftmost 1 and carry the other. There are no digits in the hundreds place so we being down the 1 we carried earlier.
This gives us an answer of 115.
Sucks dont it tyt6tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
The total amount of garbage thrown away at the school each day is the amount of garbage thrown away by the students plus the amount of garbage thrown away by non-students.
total = lb students + lb non-students
lb students is 2s as each student throws away two pounds a day.
lb non-students is 350. Therefore, the total amount of pounds of garbage thrown away each day is
total = 2s + 350
We can factor out a 2 from this expression as each term is divisible by 2 and that is the greatest common factor. We end up with
total = 2(s+175)
option 4 is the answer to this question
y-intercept = -1
Step-by-step explanation: