This is false!
Whenever you use a source in your work, or an idea that is not yours, you should cite it. This applies to unpublished work, too.
Think about like this- in this case no one can ever accuse you of plagiarism- after all you were open about the source in the first place!
We must first define Ethical and Moral Standards for Warfare.
For thousands of years, War was seen as a means to an end, the winner takes all, and a social consequence where the winner is allowed to loot and murder.
However, Abrahamic religions such as Islam, brought the concept of a proper code of conduct for Soldiers and rules on how to interact with an Army that had lost a war.
Today, in our modern world, the United Nations has its own charter and a governing body which oversees what it calls War Crimes and crimes against humanity.
The UN has a perfect set of charter and code of conduct which define the moral conduct that needs to be followed by soldiers nowadays.
However, after the United States use of torture in Iraq without any international pressure, it seems like not many nations are still willing to accept a globally codified war code of conduct.
Some schools require that if a student is found to be in possession of a firearm or other weapon on campus, the student be automatically expelled. This is an example of a <u>zero tolerance policy.</u>
Gun violence in schools across the US has been a festering problem. Zero tolerance policies have been one approach towards addressing this issue. Under this policy, students who violate school safety rules are automatically expelled.
Common cases in which this policy applied are with respect to violence, drug use, and the possession of a firearm or other weapon on campus.
This policy was sought to be given legal form through the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, which mandated a one year expulsion of students found possessing firearms in school.
To learn more about issue of zero tolerance policy in schools:
There are various steps that can be taken to determine if a piece of news is fake or not. For starters, check if the news outlet reporting this piece of news is a reputable outlet such as CNN or Wall Street Journal. Next would be identifying and researching the author of the news article. Check to see if the author has good credibility and reports only facts. The last big step that can be taken is to compare that piece of news with other news outlets to see if they have covered that same story. News spreads fast and if it is real and important it will be covered by many news outlets at the same time.