So I think at this point its quite clear... The American Dream has died... it was buried back sometime between 1955 and 1995 depending on who you talk to...But one thing is for certain, which is that its never coming back; not in its more traditional white picket fence, and solid corporate job form anyhow. And I for one am ecstatic....! Not for the total lack of economic security aspect, (which is distressing) but for the fact that people will be forced for once in their lives to try and define what it is that they really want out of life. Hope this helps!
Because he never got those things at his own home from his parents, so the only time he ever got any kind of attention was when he was with the others
We have that Hiawatha was a a Great leader,Well spoken,an Indian of the precolonial ages of North America,A chief and a Father.
Hiawatha, the name Hiawatha is most popularly know to an Indian chief who was able to unit 5 tribes (Oneidas, Cayugas ,Senecas and Mohawks and Onondagas) during the Precolonial ages (around the early 1500)of the land now know as North America
Hiawatha is spoken about as very charismatic leader who at some pint of his life lost all his daughters to a suitor who was rejected prior to his influencing of the confederacy of the 5 tribes (Oneidas, Cayugas ,Senecas and Mohawks and Onondagas)
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