The suspense and reaction time of the car . So for example if a car pulled out suddenly and was about to hit you, you could make the car so it functionally knows how to react
making a selection in the Save in: box.<span>
In HTML file
<body style="background-color:orange;">
In CSS file
body {
background-color: orange;
- Information services and support
- Programming and software development
- Network systems administration
The company has finished designing a software program, but users aren’t sure how to use it. <u>interactive media</u>
Several people in the human resources department need new software installed. <u>information services and support</u>
An employee has an idea for a software program that can save the company time, but doesn’t know how to write it. <u> programming and software development</u>
A new branch of the company is opening soon, and the computers there need to be connected to the Internet. <u>network systems administration</u>