Convert the fractions to decimals:
You have to find 2 fractions between these 2 numbers. You could pick anything.
7/10= 0.7 = less than 0.8 but greater than 0.6
75/100=0.75 = less than 0.8 but greater than 0.6
Hope this helps
So the Correct answer would be all three of them.
This includes 27:18, 12:8, and 21:14.
The math behind this includes proportions.
For instance, if you multiple 3 by 9, you get 37. You have to multiple 2 by 9 now, and you should get 18. This is how all three of the answers are correct!
1/18 x 9 x 1 = .5 cubic yards. Why would you ever waste time asking this....
Step-by-step explanation:
Base is 10, exponent is 15
Step-by-step explanation: