a) produced the oxygen in the atmosphere
- Prokaryotes are likely to first form of life on earth and they existed billions of years ago before animals and plants.
- As these prokaryotes can do photosynthesis so there most important function is produce oxygen in atmosphere for the evolution of aerobic life.
- At that time the conditions were harsh on earth so these prokaryotes are used to survive under earth like in oceans. They first produce oxygen in oceans.
- In eukaryotes photosynthesis emerge by endosymbiosis with photosynthetic prokaryotes.
I think its the Diurnal Cycle.
The toxins are the substances which decreases the conc. of oxygen in wzater and increase toxicity
Process by which the internal structure of a mineral is altered by the addition or removal of elements. Change in phase (mineral type) and composition are due to the action of chemical agents. Chemical weathering is dependent on available surface for reaction temperature and presence of chemically active fluids.