I'm not exactly sure how I was supposed to answer this but here is a short story about a child using a fork, spoon, and table knife. I hope it helps.
The child sat at the table. He used his fork and knife to cut the sausage. He'd then take the spoon and eat the mashed potatoes.
<span>The options to this question are:
A. John Locke
B. Baron de Montesquieu
C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
D. Cotton Mather
The best answer is:
</span>John Locke believed power should not be concentrated in the hands of one individual.
John Locke was among the foremost powerful<span> political philosophers of </span>the trendy amount<span>. </span>within the 2<span> Treatises </span>of state<span>, he defended the claim that men </span>are naturally<span> free and equal against claims that God had </span>created<span> all </span>individuals<span> naturally subject to a monarch.</span>
<span>The statement that a speaker who argues that the world's monarch butterfly population is in danger because their numbers have decreased in several locations is reasoning from specific instances is true.
</span><span>In this informative speech, the speaker acts as a teacher. </span>
<u>Society is seen as a complete living body in Durkheim's functionalist </u>way of thought. As such, even the unwanted waste parts of a living organism are extremely important to overall function of the society and it simply cannot do away with them.
<u>In functionalism the sum of all the constituents of the society are greater than its singular part</u>s.
Thus, the overall cohesion of society is held together by unwanted elements in the society too.
The Raid on St<span>. </span>Augustine<span> was a military event during the Anglo-Spanish War in which the ... Expedition and was the last engagement on the Spanish main before Drake headed north for the Roanoke </span>Colony<span>. The expedition also forced the Spanish to abandon any settlements and forts in present-day </span>South Carolina<span>.</span>