an adaptation can be defined as an inherited trait which confers an evolutionary advantage to the organism in a certain environment
An adaptation, also known as an evolutionary adaptation, can be defined as any physiological and/or morphological inherited trait related to the improved evolutionary fitness of one organism in a particular environment. An adaptation improves the chances of survival and reproduction in a certain environment, thereby organisms carrying the adaptation have more chances to produce descendants and pass their genes to the next generation. Some classical examples of evolutionary adaptations include the long necks of giraffes that help them to eat leaves at the top of trees, light bones of flying birds, etc.
<span>According to the nebular theory stars are formed in which sequence:
a. Interstellar clouds - "nebula" is a Latin word which means clouds. These clouds start to form and are composed of gases like hydrogen and helium.
b.Clumps - as the gases start to form and come together they form clumps of gases that are highly concentrated and they start to grow.
c. Gravitational forces - when clumps have grown into big sizes the gravitational forces that are found within it increases and are converted into kinetic energy of fast-moving particles that continuously bump into each other and create or generate heat.
d. Nuclear fission - as the clumps keep on colliding and creating heat (18 million degrees Fahrenheit), nuclear fission begins.
e. Outward pressure from the nuclear fission prevents the collapse of the gases, stabilizing the gases eventually creating a star. </span>
Biennial plants</h2>
This plant is a biennial, which means it will just take longer than a season to mature enough to produce flowers.
Since the Sweet William plant did not flower last year when it was planted and this year also it did not bud till the spring. So, we can assume that these plant will need atleast two seasons to mature hence they are biennials.
Depending on the life span, plants are classified as annuals (one season), biennials(two season) and perennials (more than two years).
What are the different pools and fluxes of carbon? Why are they important? This page provides a compilation of information and relevant links to help answer some of these questions.
The Carbon Cycle: What is the Carbon Cycle? What is the fast and slow cycle and how are they influenced?
Carbon Measurement Approaches and Accounting Frameworks: Approaches and methods for carbon stock and flow estimations, measurements, and accounting
The North American Carbon Cycle: The latest (2018) assessment and budget
Webinar Series Videos: 'The State of the Carbon Cycle: From Science to Solutions'
The Global Carbon Budget : The Global Carbon Budget as calculated by a global group of scientists
Frequently asked questions and their answers: Answers to commonly asked questions such as the following are listed here: Can you quantify the sources and sinks of the global carbon cycle? How much carbon is stored in the different ecosystems? In terms of mass, how much carbon does 1 part per million by volume of atmospheric CO2 represent? What percentage of the CO2 in the atmosphere has been produced by human beings through the burning of fossil fuels?
145 degrees
Because the united states food and drug administration recommends cooking salmon to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Push the tip of the meat thermometer gently into the middle of the salmon fillet at its thickest part.