The clivage furrow forms, the chromosomes are on either side of the cell
The instrument of choice would be the the clam shell sampler, which is also know as a grab sampler. Another instrument they use is the piston corer which is an open tube on a cable that gets dropped from a ship.
D. All of the above
Like all living organisms, plants use deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as their genetic material. The DNA in plant cells is found in the nucleus, the mitochondria and the chloroplasts. The latter two organelles are descendants of bacteria that were captured by a eukaryotic cell and have become endosymbionts.
Collagen is the structural protein found in skin and connective tissue. This protein is the most abundant protein, that makes up one-third of the protein in the human body. The function of this protein in the skin is to give the skin strength and elasticity, and to replace dead skin cells. In connective tissues it s<span>upports structures and anchor cells to each other.</span>