It says it'll secure economic opportunities.
These technological methods include the encephalogram (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). These techniques ultimately have the same goal in that they aim to produce coherent representations of the brain.
Voter suppression.
During the reconstruction Era, African Americans who just obtained their status as free citizens couldn't participate in choosing government representatives that want to pass the legislations that would benefit them.
This happened because many of Southerners often made African Americans became a target of violence and intimidation every time they go out from their homes.
As a result, many African Americans felt scared/afraid to go out in the voting booth and many of potential votes from their communities were exempted.
Recesses, especially for the elementary students, are to time for them to take breaks and eat their snacks to make them last within a certain duration without having to deal with empty stomachs. During the late afternoon, the duration from lunch was already very long. This would make students go hungry and further, out of focus.
The challenging behavior would strongly suggest the principal to bring back the recesses. If not all then, maybe only that on the afternoon.
The correct answer is the option B
Gesellschaft (translated as a society, civil society or association), describe shared associations. Gesellschaft is maintained through individuals who act in their own interest. A good example is a modern business, where workers, bosses and owners may not give much importance in the manufacturing process of the factory product, but in the interest of all is going to work to earn money and that is what keeps the business going.