Assuming you're running Windows, click the start button, and then search for "Device Manager" (or open CMD or PowerShell and type devmgmt.msc). Look at the list of devices. If Bluetooth is there, you have it; if it's not there, you don't.
See explaination
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Fill in the code to define payfile as an input file
ifstream payfile;
float gross;
float net;
float hours;
float payRate;
float stateTax;
float fedTax;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint;
// Fill in the code to open payfile and attach it to the physical file
// named payroll.dat"payroll.dat");
// Fill in code to write a conditional statement to check if payfile
// does not exist.
cout << "Error opening file. \n";
cout << "It may not exist where indicated" << endl;
return 1;
ofstream outfile("pay.out");
cout << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
outfile << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
// Fill in code to prime the read for the payfile file.
payfile >> hours;
// Fill in code to write a loop condition to run while payfile has more
// data to process.
payfile >> payRate >> stateTax >> fedTax;
gross = payRate * hours;
net = gross - (gross * stateTax) - (gross * fedTax);
cout << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
outfile << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
payfile >> hours ;// Fill in the code to finish this with the appropriate
// variable to be input
return 0;
Because you do not want to make your presentation be dark especially in a low lighted room.
(Certified MOS 2016 Powerpoint User)
Duplicate tuples are not allowed in a relation because the specifications of the constraints of the regional integrity are violated, especially the main constraint that states that there can be no identical values for the attributes of two tuples at any database relation state.
Also, duplicate tuples are not allowed in a relation due to the fact that they lead to redundancy of the data base which in turn, slowing down the speed of the database when data processing such as inserting, querying, updating, deleting, etc are being performed.