You need money for employees, equipment, office space and much more. Borrowing money to start your practice is often a good idea. The debt is being used to fund something that will likely generate healthy returns, allowing you to safely make the debt payments.
hope this helps :)
The list of numbers from least to greatest is
3/10 , 3/7, 3/6
This is because the numerator stays the same across all three of these fractions. However, the denominator is changing, and this proves to be a large difference.
Think about it this way: If you cut a pie into ten pieces, then those slices are going to be smaller than if you cut the pie into seven or six pieces.
The answer to this question is
Angle at C is 35
Angle at D is 81
Angle at E is 64
because y=6
The answer is negative two
Step-by-step explanation:
Subset(1,3,5) because it is found in another set.
not subset(2,4,6,7,8,9,10) they are not found in the other set.