Answer: Anne and Peter become close friends during the time they hide in the annex.
The Diary of Anne Frank showed a first hand look into how some Jews fared when the Nazis occupied Europe. It was an everyday account written by Anne Frank as she and her family and others hid in an annex in the workplace of her father.
Anne forms a very strong friendship with Peter Van Pels during their time hiding in the annex. This difficult experience of having to hide from Nazi persecution simply because they were Jewish gave them a shared experience that laid the foundation for a strong friendship.
..a warrior protected in this army...
In this sentence lies the explanation of the use of the word warrior.She is not a soldier in real life but she has wars to fight.The last sentence makes it clear that the sort of warrior this girl is will not go to battle but will face every situation she has to in her very difficult life.
Jing-mei's mother took her to a <em>"beauty training school" </em>to get her daughter to look like Shirley Temple which only resulted in a disastrous look.
Amy Tan's short story "Two Kinds" revolves around the story of how a Chinese immigrant child is 'expected' to be a prodigy and made to 'be molded' with the American way of life. The story presents how the protagonist’s mother tried to 'help' her daughter make a name for herself in America.
In the given paragraph, Jing-mei narrates how her mother wanted to 'shape' her into becoming the next Shirley Temple. She wanted her daughter to become famous. So, she took her to a <em>"beauty training school"</em> and cut her hair, which only resulted in a much more disastrous outcome.