Inventions may shape a culture when people use them in place of older ways of carrying out activities and relating to others, or as a way to carry out new kinds of activities.
Ex of new inventions: Cars, airplanes, vacuum cleaners, lamps, radios, telephones, and televisions were all new inventions.
Minerals are a principle source of income for many developing countries, including many in southern Africa. At first glance, mineral-rich economies have an advantage over those less well endowed because minerals provide funds for rapid development and poverty reduction.
False explanation: an indicator wouldn’t work, it would mostly be the chemicals alone, hope it helps and im so sorry if its not right!
touched of the debate about psychotherapy's effectiveness when he summarized 24
studies of psychotherapy outcomes</span>
<span>Hans Jürgen Eysenck, PhD, DSc was a German-born psychologist who spent
his professional career in Great Britain. He is best remembered for his work on
intelligence and personality, though he worked in a wide range of areas within