DGB Either Kill or Eat other organisms.
DGB Cause Im not sure
DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid while RNA is ribonucleic acid !
DNA has base pair of adenine guanine thymine and cytosine.....while RNA has adenine guanine cytosine and uracil !
DNA is always double helix while RNA is mainly single helix !
DNA contains genetic info for 99℅ of organism while RNA is being catalytic and unstable than DNA is only present as genetic information holder in 1℅ !
DNA does not involve in protein synthesis directly but RNA has to !
for more difference, comment !
9 is letter d and 10 is a
Energy is captured and stored in the mitochondria and released in the chloroplast.
Fishing down the food web is the process whereby fisheries in a given ecosystem, "having depleted the large predatory fish on top of the food web, turn to increasingly smaller species, finally ending up with previously spurned small fish and invertebrates".