Caribbean islands, coast of Central America, and coast of South America
A contract is an agreement, usually written out on a legal document, in which it states terms and agreements, as well as rewards that would be given at the end when the terms are met.
For example, a contract for assassination may be posted out in the black market. An assassin would then agree to take on the requirement of the contract. If it is met, the payment would be given to the assassin. If not, then the contract becomes void. This makes contracts important because the terms and everything is written down, and can be looked on for future references.
The first colonial legislature was the Virginia House of Burgesses, established in 1619.
An oath is a verbal promise to tell the truth made while holding the Bible. A witness may choose to swear an oath on another relevant religious text. An affirmation is a verbal, solemn and formal declaration, which is made in place of an oath. A person may choose to make an affirmation rather than taking an oath. It’s making sure they promise not to break it and if they do they have their own words against them.
Max Weber argued that the bureaucratic organizational form is characterized by six features: 1) Specialization and Division of Labor; 2) Hierarchical Authority Structures; 3) Rules and Regulations; 4) Technical Competence Guidelines; 5) Impersonality and Personal Indifference; 6) A Standard of Formal, Written