What do you mean? I don't get it.
El cerebro es la parte fundamental. Es así porque no es tu corteza cerebral quien controla el movimiento, sino tu cerebelo. El bulbo raquídeo es el encargado de controlar el funcionamiento de nuestros órganos: el latido cardíaco, el ritmo respiratorio, la presión arterial, el estado de la digestión, etc
Why was Mr.Yellow given the criminal conspiracy that so happened around a digital device?
How come was Mr.Yellow using this device and was he really sharing it with others?
I think that the majority of homeless people are addicts that won’t get their life together because you give them money and they go buy a beer with it or something. I feel like they should start working and fix their life. I don’t think that they should get benefits that people that do work don’t get because that’s just unfair.
Literary elements include (1) plot - it shows the setting of the literary work and what moment or environment is it running around, (2) character - This answers the question what kinds of people are the characters regarding their beliefs, hopes, morals, ideals, fears, etc.? , (3) mood - it refers to the feelings that overpowers throughout the literary work, (4) symbol - This answers the question what concrete, specific objects have been used to represent abstract ideas?