The result of Telophase 1 and Cytokinesis is two haploid daughter cells that are genetically different from the original cell.
The job of both red blood cells and root hair cells is absorption. Red blood cells absorb oxygen through pulmonary veins and their capillaries in the lungs. Root hair cells, on the other hand, absorb water from the soil and transport them to adjoining cells for photosynthesis purposes.
The ultimate souce of energy for the food chain is solar energy from the sun. It allows plants to convert the solar energy to chemical energy for growth. The growing plants in turn allow heterotropic animals to consume them to obtain energy of their own.
epithelial stomach cell>stomach lining tissue>stomach>disgestive system
The proprioceptors
The proprioceptors such as muscle
spindle and golgi tendon organ are sensors located in the limbs. The proprioceptors
give information about muscle length, muscle tension and joint angle which is coordinated
to provide information about the limb’s position in space.