they can naturally interbreed to produce a fertile offspring
Clouds form as a result of the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. They are made of tiny droplets of water. Clouds tend to form between 3pm and 6pm because this is when the region starts to loose or has completely lost the heat form the daily sun. Water vapor will condense once temperatures are low or are decreasing.
Deforestation is people cutting down whole forests of trees, andmaking it even less likely for humans to survive. Trees supplyoxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and hold down the soil from washingaway or making landslides. The destruction and cutting down of forests is often done to clearland for farming, mining, roads, and grazing of cattle. That causesincreased atmospheric CO2 levels, a factor in global warming. The Cutting down and clearing of trees The action or process of clearing forests_ also _The state ofhaving been cleared by forests. Verb. To Clear of Forests or trees . The conversion of forested areas to non-forested lands. e.g. Cutting down a forest to make pastures. the cutting down of trees is called deforestation Deforestation means clearing of forests and using that land forother purposes. defforestation is cutting of trees. deforestation is when rain forests get destroyed and ruined 1. The state of being clear of trees 2. The removal of trees Deforestation occurs to create open space for urban or agricultural use.
The digestive system is greatly affected by the irritation in the small intestine that occurs because of gallbladder disease.