Linear search
You implement this algorithm by iterating over each item, and checking if the item matches what you are searching for.
It is linear because it takes a linear amount of time to search for an item.
The answer is A. Occupational Safety and health Administration.
First off, I'm not writing your essay. I will give you a guide and you can take it from there. Also, I don't know any context about the question.
- Computer applications can handle input and output at a significant rate.
- Computers were designed to handle mathematical operations and now at today's rate a single 2+2 can spit out a answer in 64 nanoseconds.
A Network is definitely a Tree when any of the below properties matched.
A Network is synonym for connected graph. Connected graph is a graph is a path which will connect from vertex to vertex.
A Tree is a network that has no circuit. network can be differed from tree by three key properties
1. Single path property - one path connecting two vertices
2. All bridges property - every edge of a network is a bridge
3. N-1 edges property - N vertices has N-1 edges
To determine this we use to N-1 edges property as given number of vertices and no bridges.
If a network has 15 vertices it must have 15-1= 14 edges to become a tree