The answer is 2000 calories. My guess is that is because you need to burn so many but gain so many to get energy. This is a way to not gain weight.
Everyone has their ups and downs in various parts of their lives, but striving to improve the six dimensions of health at all times is the sign of a person with wellness. On the other hand, when the six dimensions of health are not properly maintained, premature death is often the result
its quite simple actually between a person with good wellness and one heading premature death.
*a person with good wellness* doesn't do drugs, nor drink or smoke.
one heading premature death may be severely contaminated.
Well I'm not going to write it for you but here's an outline:
p1- How did it feel physically? (pain, breathing, etc). How did it feel mentally? (draining, exhausting)
p2- How can you prevent physical reactions to stress? (breathing exercises, eating healthy) Mental reaction? (looking for positives in the situation rather then negative)
Answer: These symptoms can most likely be due to the FRONTAL LOBE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX
Explanation: The frontal lobe is one of the four major divisions of the cerebrum of the brain, located behind the forehead. It is responsible for the these actions of one kind or another: skeletal movement, ocular movement, speech control, the expression of emotions, etc.