Use a paraphraseer. they hep
To shortly answer your question, an ethic community is a community of people who relate to each other in terms of culture, traditions, and overall ethnicities. An example of an ethnic community (I am speaking on myself) would be Juneteenth. In no way do I mean offense, it is just a mere example. If you need better understanding, let me know and I will gladly assist you.
To pay for their armies and other government projects, both empires collected a 25% tax on all agricultural earnings throughout their lands. Class structure was also similar in both empires.
Both empires were governed by a strong central bureaucracy that answered to the emperor. The large territories were further divided into provinces and districts with regional leaders and councils. Local leaders were given a lot of authority in order to streamline decision-making, but the emperors were still the ultimate authority. To pay for their armies and other government projects, both empires collected a 25% tax on all agricultural earnings throughout their lands.
The "race" as a social construction
The "race" is not a human biological category, but a social construction that is based on different historical, political, economic and experiential contexts. The term "race" should not be associated with an ethnic group, a population or ancestry. Different scientific research has shown that it is a myth that there are "white", "yellow" or "black" genes. All human beings that live on the planet have one hundred percent of the same genes, what changes are the types, sequential variations called alleles. Neither the blood type nor the skin color determines the origin or origin of someone. Humanity shares a history of nomadism and migration. Comparing populations does not mean that there are races, it means that there are thousands of humans that vary in their DNA sequences.
Racial identities
The analysis of racial identity starts from people's perception of themselves in racial terms. The social race exists and can have a biological impact. It is important to keep this in mind since we cannot go against the self-denomination of each person (being considered white, black or mestizo).
- Understanding this concept help scholars better analyze the politics of race because it shows how necessary it is to eradicate the structure of racism based on systems of discrimination based on identity.