False. Trees are renewable resources. Albeit not very fast to renew them.
It begins with a change in the charge of voltages found in something called axon walls.
B - mRNA
C - nuclear pore
D - tRNA
E - ribosome
F - rRNA
<em>The entire structure illustrates the process of transcription and translation in a typical eukaryotic cell.</em>
The DNA (A) in the nucleus of the cell is first transcribed to mRNA (B). The mRNA produced is transported to the cytoplasm through the openings within the nuclear membrane - the nuclear pores (C). On getting to the cytoplasm, the mRNA binds to the ribosome (E) (carrying rRNA, F). The tRNA (D) carrying the specific anticodon for a particular codon on the mRNA then binds to the structure and the corresponding amino acid is released. A polypeptide bond is formed between subsequent amino acids and the ribosome moves along the mRNA chain until the translation process is complete.