Answer: Semi-conservative replication means that during DNA replication, the two strands of nucleotides separate. Both strands then form the template for free nucleotides to bind to to create the two identical daughter strands. Hence each daughter strand has half of the DNA from the original strand and half newly-formed DNA. brainliest
<span>Chroloplasts Acts as a main role in photosynthesis.Chloroplasts likely orginated from engulfed "prokaryotes" that once lived as independent organisms. They are also considered to be originated from "cyanobacteria" through endosymbiosis—when a eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthesizing cyanobacterium that became a permanent resident in the cell.</span>
most prokaryotes have a single double stranded circular DNA
the cell's nucleoid
You can tell in future that if both letters are either lowercase or upper case (e.g. TT or tt) the answer is always HOMOzygous. If the letters are different cases (e.g. Tt or tT) the answer is always HETROzygous. This is because 'homo' means 'same' and 'hetero' means 'different'.
Anaerobic breakdown of glucose produces lactic acid, which accumulates in the tissues and blood.